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Member Pricing:
In studio Class $15
10 Class Package $130 ($13 each class)
16 Class Package $192 ($12 each class)
4 Week Unlimited Classes $325
*When you become a member your first 3 classes are free! You will also receive a T-shirt and Member sticker. Memberships renew yearly. There are no refunds on memberships that have been processed.
Non-Member Pricing:
In studio Class $20
10 Class Package $180 ($18 each class)
16 Class Package $272 ($17 each class)
4 Week Unlimited Classes $375
Adult CLASS Policies:
There is no cell phone use during classes. If you want to videotape the combination or take photos, please ask your instructor first.
There is no chewing gum in class or in the studio.
Water is only thing allowed inside the studio. No food or drinks are allowed in the studio.
If there are less than five (5) dancers in the class, The Institute is given the right to shorten the class time. This will allow us to hold every class without having to cancel.
No dancers will be allowed in class 15 minutes after the class has begun. This is to insure your safety as a dancer.
Clients have to cancel within a two hour window of class start time to receive full credit. After the two hour time, there are no refunds given.
Dress Code:
Please wear tight fitted, athletic/ yoga wear for all classes. For Ballet classes, tighter fitting clothes are suggested as well as ballet shoes. For Hip Hop classes, no boots are allowed but you can wear tennis shoes. For Jazz classes, please wear Jazz shoes.